Monday, January 09, 2006

Welcome back to Van....thanks to a flight from HELL.

Well we are back home!! YAY. It was a very busy Christmas holiday indeed. First it was FSJ, then Frontier, and then Calgary for New Years. It was sooo much fun. Here's how it went: 18 hour freezing rain-filled drive to FSJ. Well not quite....we actually didn't make it to FSJ until the NEXT day. Blah....Ben drove the night shift on a bag of Espresso beans and a rather large can of Jolt. He was WIRED. He was playing 'Rock-Paper-Scissors" with.....himself!!! It was funny...and he won.... Upon our long awaited arrival we took part in several Christmas celebrations and ate waaaaay to much. We saw Mike and Sue's and Steve and Virg's new houses....which are gorgeous! We also had a fun time in Uncle Dan's Helicopter! Thanks for the Christmas present guys!!!! FUN, fun. After FSJ we flew to Vancouver, then to Calgary, then Medicine Hat (all within 5 hours) By the way....anybody hear of the Mile High Club???? ;-) So then we hitched a ride to Frontier and had fun there for a while. We went visiting, and more visting, and curling, and played a lot with our 3-month old nephew Tyson. (He is the cutest baby ever!!! He must be Norwegian....So Dad says) After sad goodbyes we drove to Saskatoon and flew to Calgary and spent New Years at Tamara's house. The next day we took our final flight to the land of lush green-ness and warmth. Unfortunately Vancouver was windy.....reaaaalllllly windy and thus this is why our blog is titled the flight from hell. Coming in, the plane dropped about 100 feet and tilted at about a 40 degree angle in about .5555milliseconds. It was the first flight we'd ever been on that EVERYONE screamed outloud at once. To make matters worse....Johanna managed to scream out "I don't wanna die!" (but you have to was reaaallly scary....really, really scary) Ben meanwhile, is laughing his head off while 90 percent of the people are panicking and sitting with knuckles white. Joining Ben in his laughter were 2 Scottish men one row up...who seemed to have a few too many $5 beers on the plane. So after the plane pitched about four times up and down....we had a safe landing. The plane broke out in applause. Johanna released the death grip on Ben's thigh, stood up, legs like spaghetti, and finally got some fresh Vancouver air as she forced her morning breakfast back down into her stomach. So there you have it. we are alive and well....and super busy. For the next 6 weeks Ben has school everyday including weekends and Johanna works 4 days a week while still in full-time classes. Life is C-R-A-Z-Y. But yay for no chance of being bored. Or relaxing for that matter......But it is now time to catch some Zzzz's....5:00AM rolls around pretty early.....Take care all...Much love, Ben and Johanna


At 5:03 AM, Blogger Kjersti said...

It's amazing what you can learn about some people over pie and coffee at the Rec Centre.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger kortney said...

I must admit I laughed right outloud when I imagined Johanna screaming on the plane. I did. I'm glad you're both alright, and glad your Christmas went well.
When things quiet down Johanna, we'll get together - we will!


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