Friday, March 30, 2007

The Ups and Downs of Living Overseas...

Well, the last couple weeks have been an emotional roller coaster....hence, the lack of my updates...just too much to process. There have been some family issues back home that have made me quite homesick and the project is in an intense phase and we have been working with Bryan in the studio until 3 or 4 am. So many little things seem to go wrong or not fall into place which causes quite a bit of frustration, and in the middle of all this Bryan has had to find a new place to rent for a studio because the work space he has been using for the last 6 years is no longer available. Things seem to be on an upswing though...the casting process is done, a postive has been made and also a negative of that postive....and then a negative of that postive again....I think....hard to keep track!! AND now the mold is being completed to hold the epoxy-resin and then, finally into a pressure chamber and then... voila! We have completed the first of 12 statues! Wow...its a crazy-detailed process....and I HOPE it goes smoothly....
On the lighter side...we have had many moments of hilarity during our exhaustion:
At german lessons for instance:
Ben had to say a sentance saying: "The brush belongs to the woman"
This is what he REALLY said: "The breast belongs to the woman"
Later he had to say: "After work I go home and peel 10 potatoes"
This is what he REALLY said: "After work I go home and poop 10 potatoes"
Good times....we have been having fun too. During our late night work session with Bryan we are sure to lighten the atmosphere by having fork-lift races, making jokes, and playing with high pressure air-blowing tool (I have no idea what to call it!) would be amazed at the shapes your mouth can take in the 'wind'...sooo funny. When we upload the pics I will post some.
Take care everyone!


At 3:11 AM, Blogger The Danskins said...

you guys are too fun. keep thinking about that visit to little ol home!

At 3:32 AM, Blogger Janine said...

I'm sorry to hear about the rough things that have been happening. You're in my prayers and I hope that things continue to get smoothier. I'm really trying to save $$ to come visit and I was totally almost there and then I needed to move... so there went all my money...

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Kjersti said...

Pooping 10 potatoes sounds actually quite painful.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Jen Gilbertson said...

Jo and Ben - It has actually been sunny in Vancouver lately. As I've been home alone studying, I've missed having Johanna close by because I really wanted to have a social study break. I heard a Haab story the other day - from my mom! Something about Brian (or is it Bryan? Well, the fruit leather guy) borrowing and crashing my cousin Aeden's crappy car. How small the churchy circle is. Ben, you should really stop pooping potatoes.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Clay, Cady and Cody said...

when are we going to have time to even see each other..the familiar face from home?!!!!!

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Erin and Braden Wuthrich said...

Sounds like you two are very busy! Do we get to see the statues when we come?

At 4:56 PM, Blogger The World of Haab said...

Well...Its "a" statue so far and it should be completed within 3 weeks!


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