Sunday, February 18, 2007

Age, Caves & Candy

First thing I have to say: Someone actually thought I was OLDER than Ben today. I am so happy. This has never happened...for example, last November in Vancouver: Mike, Ben and I went out for dinner and the place was packed and I tracked down a waitress and asked if we could sit at the bar since there was some free space. She then looked at me and said "what are you like 17??? you have to be at least 19 to sit there" FOR the record...I am nearly 23. And I should be so happy to look so young for my age...when I am 50 I will be grateful.

SOoooo on a completely different note:
What do you get when you mix 60 meters of chicken wire, 85 newspapers, 7 kgs of flour, 15 meters of rope, one stone table, 8 cans of spray paint and 20 hours with nothing else to do????? YEP YOU GUESSED IT!
Ben and I built a cave. Yep, a cave. Not just any cave...a paper machet cave-bar. Why do you ask...?? We just had the most awesome Stone-Age themed party in our weegee (our community house). You see, we have a band called "Megalomania" living in the house too and they had a performance here 2 nights ago and we had about 70-ish people come out and enjoy their concert and have a fun time. There were some pretty awesome costumes too! BUT all said and was awesome! On top of this *interesting* cave idea of Ben's he thought the weegee should paint replicas of cave paintings on the walls all over the house. Not just posters of paintings on the walls....but actually on the walls.....with paint.....that won't come off..... In short, it was a lot of fun...but a lot of work...and I don't want to ever paper-machet again. Here are some pictures.....(ps...i found time in there somewhere to even sew our costumes!)

The beginning stage...
...taking shape......
Here is our masterpiece!
And so the party begins.....
A small sampling of what our house now looks like
Meet Jo Leopard
...and Tiger Ben
Man hold woman
Is it just me or are we really weird...?? seriously.
Here we are in Lucerne in Valentines day visiting an awesome candy shop....where we bought way too much candy and ate it way too fast. It made one of Johanna's front teeth loose.
SO cool. This bridge was built in 1333. It has some neat medieval paintings on it, and they drowned criminals in the tower. Kind of sad.....but neat to see.
Another cool pedestrian bridge in Lucerne


At 2:27 AM, Blogger The Danskins said...


At 8:38 PM, Blogger Avey said...

You guys are so intense! The cave looks amazing. I'm pretty impressed.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Nance said...

You are just way too cool to be real. I love you guys.

At 1:29 AM, Blogger NATASHA said...

LOL I love the candy store pic... Very funny. I like all the other ones too. Cute costumes

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Erin and Braden Wuthrich said...

Wow looks like a crazy party!! I've never heard of stone age parties before, sounds fun!

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Janine said...

That cave was really cool. I'm interested to know how long that took (maybe you said...) And the costumes... WOW you are quite the seamstress jojo! Umm the money saving thing to come see you, well umm I really suck at it. This purse made me buy it this weekend, and then I had to use my "huge" savings for groceries... hahaha

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Janine said...

That cave was really cool. I'm interested to know how long that took (maybe you said...) And the costumes... WOW you are quite the seamstress jojo! Umm the money saving thing to come see you, well umm I really suck at it. This purse made me buy it this weekend, and then I had to use my "huge" savings for groceries... hahaha

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Clay, Cady and Cody said...

When are you coming to Zurich area?! I just got back from a week long ski camp in the alps!! It was amazing. But I think its time that we connect...before things get way too busy!! Let me know..we could meet in Basel or something too!!


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