Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So You Like......Stuff???

Why is it that we always want 'stuff'....? Ben and I had a great conversation the other day on this topic. What motivates us to want and have possessions? Is it purely for personal pleasure? Or is it more for the reaction you get from know having things everybody else would want?? Its one of those things I think everybody feels and wants... but nobody talks about. But we want to talk about it. Its about keeping up with the 'Jones' and trying to stay ahead of them. Its about who has a nicer car or a nicer camera, or a nicer house, or a nicer apartment, or who has the best of this or that. So why do we crave nice things? Its partly personal pleasure and attaining materialistic goals....but its also about image and impressing people.
So we are in a crazy phase of life at the moment. But we gave up lots to be here in Switzerland....a car, many of our possessions, the chance to buy a the time it was hard, because we wanted all these things. We somehow built our identity around what we have. But amazingly.....we feel free. Nothing is really tying us down, we have been given the freedom to follow God's will. It was so relieving to leave everything behind. This feels like an start new and build life around what matters. And store up our treasures where they matter most and make the most heaven:
Matthew 6:19-21 — “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
"A pretentious showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life" Prov. 13:7
A quote by Mary Morrison Suggs:
"We are made spiritually lethargic by a steady diet of materialism"
So, as we have really been struck by this topic, we felt it important to share with our fam and friends and ask you too "what is your treasure??" Here's to a simple life!
- love, the Haablies.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Age, Caves & Candy

First thing I have to say: Someone actually thought I was OLDER than Ben today. I am so happy. This has never happened...for example, last November in Vancouver: Mike, Ben and I went out for dinner and the place was packed and I tracked down a waitress and asked if we could sit at the bar since there was some free space. She then looked at me and said "what are you like 17??? you have to be at least 19 to sit there" FOR the record...I am nearly 23. And I should be so happy to look so young for my age...when I am 50 I will be grateful.

SOoooo on a completely different note:
What do you get when you mix 60 meters of chicken wire, 85 newspapers, 7 kgs of flour, 15 meters of rope, one stone table, 8 cans of spray paint and 20 hours with nothing else to do????? YEP YOU GUESSED IT!
Ben and I built a cave. Yep, a cave. Not just any cave...a paper machet cave-bar. Why do you ask...?? We just had the most awesome Stone-Age themed party in our weegee (our community house). You see, we have a band called "Megalomania" living in the house too and they had a performance here 2 nights ago and we had about 70-ish people come out and enjoy their concert and have a fun time. There were some pretty awesome costumes too! BUT all said and was awesome! On top of this *interesting* cave idea of Ben's he thought the weegee should paint replicas of cave paintings on the walls all over the house. Not just posters of paintings on the walls....but actually on the walls.....with paint.....that won't come off..... In short, it was a lot of fun...but a lot of work...and I don't want to ever paper-machet again. Here are some pictures.....(ps...i found time in there somewhere to even sew our costumes!)

The beginning stage...
...taking shape......
Here is our masterpiece!
And so the party begins.....
A small sampling of what our house now looks like
Meet Jo Leopard
...and Tiger Ben
Man hold woman
Is it just me or are we really weird...?? seriously.
Here we are in Lucerne in Valentines day visiting an awesome candy shop....where we bought way too much candy and ate it way too fast. It made one of Johanna's front teeth loose.
SO cool. This bridge was built in 1333. It has some neat medieval paintings on it, and they drowned criminals in the tower. Kind of sad.....but neat to see.
Another cool pedestrian bridge in Lucerne

Friday, February 16, 2007

Be my Valentine!

Wow, I somehow can't fathom the fact that Ben and I have had 4 valentine's days together. Time goes so fast! Each year it seems he plans something more and more exciting. The first year we were together, we went to the Sugar Shack (a cozy old building in the woods) on his family's farm where he had a fire burning inside, and Wendy's burgers! Ha...we were so addicted to wendy's at that time. The second year we dinner at Ric's Grill in the top of the water tower in Lethbridge. Last year we spent our night with Kevin and RJ in the restaurant in Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver. Its basically a version of the Calgary tower that spins around throughout your meal. So Erin I know what you seems the more expensive the meal the smaller the portions!! Ben and Kevin were still hungry after the meal....of course. THIS year though seemed extra special. I got a beautiful bouquet of roses, some COFFEE chocolate, and caramel machiato yogurt, and the Black Beauty DVD...then Ben took me to Lucerne....which is where I've determined is possibly the most beautiful place I have ever been. in the city centre it has a deep-green coloured lake, with these old walking bridges over it dating back to 1333! Old things fascinate me so much. The city is surrounded by the Alps. We basically wandered all over the city and enjoyed the view and each other. Then to top it off, rather than going to a crazy-expensive Swiss restaurant (which costs a billion dollars) we found the most fancy McDONALDS we could find! (Erin you're not alone!) And it was STILL 23 francs....for two regular cheeseburger meals! I don't even want to know how much it would have cost if we went to a "real" restaurant! Anyways, it was a super time and we will have some pictures to follow.
Have a great day Everyone!!
Hugs, Johanna

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Here is Ben ontop of the world! Last weekend we hiked a mountain and climbed a tower. Woohoo!
Swiss Pride....
Last Sunday we took a drive into the countryside and got lost. Good thing our car, Ron, is equipped with GPS!
Here we are...still lost in the country...
This is us back on the tower. We could even see the Alps from here.

And so the "Tagging" Continues!

We have been Tagged by Janine....sorry we took so long! Ben has been using the computer so much for editing that we have had no time to Blog....anyways:
5 Random Facts About Johanna Marie Haab:

1. I'm a compulsive smeller. I smell things all the time like, letters, news papers, my fingers, money, all sorts of random things. I have no idea why.... I just do....ever since I was little.
2. I HATE being late for anything....and yet.... I married a Haab. This is a stressful issue for us....
3. I like to roll my clean laundry rather than fold. I think they stay much more wrinkle-free!
4. I really love chips! Well, I just like the salt on the chips. Sometimes I just lick the chips..... (and after I return them to the bag, Ben wonders why we buy tasteless j/k)
5. I love soggy cereal.....sometimes I leave it for like 15 minutes...and then eat it...and I love eating super-buttery, soggy popcorn.....but its funny because I hate butter on everything else.

5 Random Facts about Benjamin Thomas Haab

1. I am completey obsessed with cats. I love them. If only Johanna had fur....then she could compare.
2. I HATE being rushed in the morning, in the afternoon, late afternoon and evening...basically anytime. I HATE being rushed. And Johanna is the Queen of rushing me. (refer to Johanna's #2)
3. My mouth specializes in over-active saliva glands. One time I filled an entire cup-holder in a truck with my drool during a quick nap while on a road-trip. Upon waking up I couldn't figure out why my face felt pruney and my hair was matted to my head.
4. I like to blow things up.
5. I puke if I see or hear other people puke. Can't stand it.....its the grossest thing in the world. Just thinking about it makes me heave.

So now it is our tag someone else! We are nominating MORGAN DANSKIN and KORTNEY STORY!! Good luck to you all!