The Stress of Pregnancy...
I always imagined being pregnant as being this blissful, magical time where you felt like a glowing woman at peace with all around you. Well, there have been glimpses of these moments...but mostly its been very different.
Everything started off great - until about week 7 when the morning sickness started. There were many days where I told Ben that I better be having multiples or else this is going to be an only child. Then around week 13 the nausea went mostly away and the exhaustion began to diminish. I would say at about week 15 my energy came back. And today at 17 weeks I am feeling great and the baby is doing great.
Unfortunately, my body isn't really cooperating.
9 days ago we actually thought I was having a miscarriage and praise God we weren't. Through some exams and an ultrasound my doctor has discovered I have a shortened cervix which has lead to some complications that we don't really have an answer for yet. Tomorrow (Monday) I have an second ultrasound to monitor the progress. If it is in fact continuing to shorten, I have what is called an incompetent cervix (feel free to google if you want to know more). I won't find out for sure until I meet with my doctor on Wednesday. In the meantime, I am on "rest" and home from work until everything gets sorted out.
The positive side? My doctor says they usually only find out that someone has this problem until too late and a 2nd or 3rd trimester miscarriage occurs - we are so lucky to have caught it! There are also things they can do like sewing the cervix shut during pregnancy....interesting....but I am glad there are things that can be done.
We have been praying and trusting through this tough time. We know God's plan is perfect and we believe this little one will be ok.
So for now we are playing the waiting game and I should have LOTS of time now to blog :)
Thanks for sharing your story Johanna, we will continue to have you and your little one in our prayers. Keep up the posts!
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