Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our cat loves us....

By that I mean mostly Ben. Pickles and Ben are pretty much inseparable as I predicted. Pickles goes outside about once a day for a little bit…he usually doesn’t venture far and is often on the front step waiting to be let back in. Last night Ben went to let him in and on the step beside Pickles was……a magpie!!! Which is crazy…magpies are almost the same size as our 9 month old kitty! Ben was SOOOOO proud. I was SOOOO disgusted. How on earth did he manage to kill it and drag it home...and why!?

From my research I found out two explanations:

1.your cat views you as an incompetent kitten that needs schooling in the ways of hunting.
2.your cat is a natural hunter and sees nothing wrong in proudly presenting it to you as a sign of love

Well... thanks.... I think (??) My theory is that he brought the bird home to show his love for Ben. Pickles loves me if it is just the two of us, but as soon as Ben comes home I am not important. Talk about a fair weather friend!

Anyways, Ben threw the bird in the trees in the deep snow and I made him give Pickles a bath and I went to bed.

I am a little disgusted by our cat right now. I know its his nature and he was so proud of himself. But I can't help but think of the nasty bird guts and germs. Eew.


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