Some News......
Well I have some exciting news to share with you all. Life for Ben and I is soon to change in a drastic way. This is something we have prayed about for a while and its happening..... a life with God is never boring! So here's the news...We're having a BABY!!!...... Actually that was a lie...muahahaha!! But the real news is.... we are moving to Switzerland! (This time I'm not lying) In mid-January, we are heading over and Ben will begin his latest assignment, creating a documentary for Bryan Haab's project "The Dust of Famous People". We are not totally sure how long we'll be over there, but it looks like approximately a year. I will be continuing my school via Distance Ed. as well as finding some sort of job where I don't have to talk (I certainly can't speak Swiss-German) .....not sure if thats possible for me.......but teaching English could be an option. Our stay will be involving lots of travelling around Europe, so we are so excited about this opportunity of a lifetime!!! A lot has to be done to make this all happen on short notice, but thankfully Ben is a Swiss citizen, so that should help the process roll along. Anyways...... thats all for now! love ya'll.....
yay, that is exciting news....although, the first thing I saw when I read your blog is BABY, and my heart lepped....then you crushed it.but I am happy you decided to go. Cheers! marian
Sorry I crushed your
Okay..I just did a little dance..I will have a person I know from home..SO CLOSE! Serious Johanna..i am so happy for you! We will be so close by train...when you have nothing else to do you can come work me and hang out with all my drug addicts friends!!
Can Ben speak Swiss German?
And where exactly is it that you will live-outside Basel?!
Okay..Now i must go to bed..But i am really excited for you..and ME..i will have a friend close by!! If there is anything you need let me know!!
Hi Johanna!
Well, when I started to read your blog I actually screamed out loud when I read that you were having a baby. Wow. What a mean trick.
How exciting about moving overseas though! When will you guys be moving? I can't wait to hear about all of the details. I hope you won't be gone for too long though.
Just click my name to find my blog...
Take Care
Hi avey....still can't get into your blog....for some reason. I can click on your name, it takes me to your profile... but there is no blog name to click on hmmmm....hope you check this again...
so we're going to miss each other... I haven't been back in vancouver for a full week since you guys moved there... I won't even get back for christmas this year... Maybe now that you guys are leaving I'll get to go home finally...
Hope everything works out for switzerland... I'd give anything to be able to live and travel in europe... maybe one day.
Man alive Jo! That's so exciting! You got me with the baby trick, too...but seriously, Switzerland is awesome. I guess this is why the house fell through...??
let's see if I can remember the adddress
let's hope that works
Bah! This is so exciting! I can't even say anything except this is so exciting! Yay for you!
Johanna and Ben,
I have to say that I was very excited about the initial baby news (liars!) and starting thinking that we got married the same summer as you...does that mean the Shepherd's will be pregnant soon?...have we been married long enough?...I can't afford one?...what if it is twins?...I can't afford two?...Moses (our dog) will be so jealouse!...
But after my tiny heart attack and continued reading and found out it was all a hoax...YOU ARE MOVING TO THE ALPS! How exciting for you both! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers in the next few months as I am sure there must be lots of planning involved. Enjoy every minute of your adventure!
Johanna!!! I am so excited for you!! You have to say hi to Switzerland for me...and post lots of pictures! Can't wait to hear all about it!! By the way...thanks so much for the card...that was so thoughtful!!! I think about you guys lots....We have to chat sometime well as maybe see you around Christmas?!!! Love ya girlie....Megan
Not gonna lie. You got me with the baby trick too.
Except then I forgot to keep reading and Jordon and I had a whole discussion about it.
And then I read later on and it was awkward.
Johanna you're such a brat
Yeah for Johanna the blog stalker! I'm so glad you found it now I can read all your news...especially about you having a baby! That was a little mean, but funny. I especially liked the mouse story, that would definatly be me in the same situation. Even though I had to feed them to my snakes, I'm still terrified of them. I like snakes better. I'm excited to keep up on you guys while you're in Switzerland, I hope you get a chance to keep posting! Have a good day.
Seriously... lol you are funny Johanna... I'm really excited for you guys that should be such an adventure!!
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