Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mfter Foily

Who is Mr. Foily you may ask... I had to ask myself that same question about 1 week ago. It all started while watching Glory Road on our couch, Johanna nicely snuggled up to me. The movie was gripping and heart tugging, but Johanna couldn't tell you any of that for she was fast asleep. As the basketball team played and pushed through hard times, the exact things were happening in this little wife-of-mines mind. The film came to a close, and I reach for the remote. SUDDENLY! Johanna jumps up in her seat! "Mfter Foily, Mfter Foily!" ..... I of course reply "What?!?" Johanna quickly replies "If da mofie ofer?" I look down to see half a blanket stuffed in Johanna's mouth. I can't help but laugh, I reach down and remove the blanket from her mouth... Then she looks at me, cocks her head like a puzzled crow and says, "What about Mr. Foily?" Those of you who have seen the movie know there is no Mr. Foily in anything related at all to the show. What a good laugh! HA!

Oh but there's more

Three nights ago I had some late night work on the computer. The time thunderously ticked 12:23 am on the digital clock. With out warning Johanna springs from the bed, grabs all the blankets and stands stunned at the side of the bed. "What are you doing?!?" I ask. She replies, "I'm gonna sleep on the floor..." "Are you sure you want too?" In anger, "Yes it's what I want, gosh!" This is followed by about half an hour of uncomfortable trashing on our hard wood floor. Finally there is but the sound the chattering keys and a nose whistle of Johanna sleeping away. Somehow through her twisting and turning in her sleep she managed to put her head half under the bed. The clock ticks 3:32am, THUMP! "uhhhh" then silence. Nothing could be heard but the whispering laughter of me at the keyboard. Another half hour goes by and finally the grumpy Johanna awakens from her disjointed slumber with only confusion and a unexplained bump on her head.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hi Friends!

Hey everyone. Well....we just got back from FSJ last night. We went up because Ben's second cousin was killed in a car crash....what a tragedy. Thankfully Steve and Virg graciously donated us some airmiles and we were able to fly up for free. In return we painted a bunch of siding for one of his houses! I thought it was a good trade off..... too bad we couldn't have painted more. It was so great to see everyone again, even though the circumstances weren't very good. The whole family was able to be there. Kev & RJ drove from Saskatoon and Bryan, who has been in Canada for a month, flew up from Calgary. So everyone made it. We were still able to have some fun. The guys built an actual cannon....and when it exploded everyone within 2 miles heard it---it was amazing! Ben's Dad said that the windows of the house actually rattled....and that was a kilometer away. (I love hanging out with the Haab boys and cousins) We also went to see "Cars" (highly recommendable), floated down the Beatton River in dinghy's, played some poker, went quad-ing, went on a big picnic.....what didn't we do?!?? We crammed a lot into 4 days. It is much MUCH warmer in FSJ than it is here.... we got a sweet tan. We were greeted with grey sky's when we landed last night. How depressing. When we are in Vancouver we really do love it....but when we head back out to Saskatchewan or to FSJ.... we love it there. I am just not sure if we can see ourselves raising a family in the big city. But the next year will tell us a lot....heck! The next 4 months will tell us a lot. It all depends on job availablity for Ben. Soooooo all we know is God knows. And everything little thing is gonna be alright. (thats a song, by the way). Anyways...just wanted to catch ya'll up and hopefully will talk to you soon!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So my last blog seemed a little pouty and pessimistic. I know...I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Remember how I said couldn't wait to get back to work?? Well.....I have now worked 2 extremely busy days (with demanding customers and delivery companies who must be on crack) and now I am ready and waiting for a day off!! But that won't happen until Saturday. I am have now just gtten home and drinking a mocha frappe with 4 shots of espresso to give me enough energy to write my 5 page paper due tomorrow....eeeeeek!!! ( It won't be too bad)

Monday, June 05, 2006


Life has been crazy lately. I have been working lots and have lots of homework. BUT this weekend was horrible. I had Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today off from the coffee shop. Which is what was horrible. I can't STAND not DOING anything.... I feel so....lame. On the bright side I have accomplished lots of homework though. And Friday was super-productive: laundry, cleaning, some shopping, groceries, etc. And Saturday was ok because I spent the day going around to open houses. We are toying with the idea of moving to another place b/c our lease is up and a change could be fun.....and a spare bedroom/den would be amazing since we are accumulating so much stuff. Other than that...... Sunday came and went and I didn't go to church!!! I know!!! I am upset about that....there was a good reason. And today...well...same old....I can't wait to get up at 5:00Am tomorrow and feel a sense of PURPOSE! And the #1 thing that made my weekend suck is that Ben has been non-existent. He started shooting the Final Project 1 on Friday morning and won't be done until Wednesday night. AND half of our living room furniture went with him. I told him this was the last time ever...we are not a Props House! But it'll be ok.... So He has been up around 6:30 and gets home around 11:00pm. So I have been getting up really early and making him a nice breakfast and forcing him to stay awake when he gets home just so I can at least spend some time with him. But...only 2 months left until he's done. Then its job hunting. So there is my update.
I think I really just hate being alone. Thats why I am sad I missed church...I need interaction! Thank goodness at 6:30 I am going to Corrie's baby shower and hanging out with friends. I need it.
PS....... you all should read Chelsea's blog about joy.... I think I need some.