Triple 'H' :Hell in the Haab House
Ok, so in my last entry I wrote about Ben and his crew filming a movie in our apartment. I CLEARLY had no idea what I was getting myself into. I am sitting right here on my bed surrounded by complete chaos. You couldn't even begin to imagine what our place looks like. We will have to post some pics. Last night around 4pm the madness began. 13 film guys hauled truckloads and truckloads of equipment and props into our apartment and EVERYTHING that we owned has been rearranged in some manner. This morning I had to be up at 6am so set up for the day could begin. On top of the 13 person film crew, we have two actors and a makeup artist here. People are continually around me in my bedroom, looking for items, asking me questions and mistaking my underwear drawer as a place where they could find missing equipment...riiiight. Ben has been continually apologizing to me since last well as his friend/the director Darren. I think this is an even bigger project than they even imagined.
As I write this I can hear in the living room that they are about 2 minutes away from the first shot. Its actually a little bit exciting, however I will be much happier about all this come Thursday when everyone is GONE. Thats right....Thursday....6 more days of chaos. I think I will go and live with Corrie and Dave for a few days.
Seriously, what was I thinking consenting to this!?!?! AHHHHH......hopefully I will update you all soon...that is if I still have any mental capababilities left. Pray for patience people. Johanna
I hope it's going okay and you're holding up alright, Jo! Only a few more days...
I'll pray for you Johanna :)
We still need to get together one of these days...are you guys going to be in the LM this summer too?
Well, did you get your house painted out of the deal? Yikes . . . I can imagine your chaos quite well. Your house isn't all that big.
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