48 hour Film fest!
48 hours to make the bloody best film of all time... Our inspired director Mike M-glocks brings our crew through the best of comedy as I know it. As the screening is pushed back a week we can only hope that the wait is well worth it! arg! I cant take it anymore! I'm going to watch it again... this'll be my 5th and final time before the next time I think about watching it again. Fortified is the name and I'm sure you will all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. I would have been a little more awake for the making of "Fortified" but I had the great idea of dragging Darren and I to the Masters of Horror set to PA. At least we got to see (and talk to) Joe Dante... well sort of talk too... I told him where to park... then he said... and I quote "welcome to set".... oooooo ya you can touch me... (Sorry Darren I had to use it). And so here's where the story begins... up at 9:00am... skip to school at 12:30pm go to Festival lock kit session at 1:00pm 1:05pm Mike Bishop(Key PA) asks me and Darren to set 1:06pm $181.00 is mentioned 1:07pm Darren and I skip class and head out of town hot on the trail of Mike's Audi TT. 1:30pm get to set and spend the next 17 hours doing positively nothing and getting paid to do it. 5:12am the next day, finally get off set. 6:00am make it home. 6:02am start on Unison Credits. 7:40am finish credits and begin 19 min Render time. 7:59am leave for school. 8:23am Arrive at school and place credits in film... find mistake 'Doe'. 9:00am start film screening. 11:30am listen to The comedian get torn apart for obvious reasons. 1:00pm return home... watch Darren fall asleep while watching Mr. & Ms. Smith chuckle to myself. 4:00 drink the largest energy Drink I can find. Start 48 hour film festival at 6:00pm haul equipment to my place... get roped into film in my apartment.... again... why do I do these things? All went well though. 3:00am next day... still can't and havent slept. Finally 4:30am sleep... 8:00am Kill alarm clock Eat whats left in the cupboard.... so hot out.... too much sweat. Spend day filming... 4:00pm eat lunch. 1:00am next day still filming... finally call it a day... 2:00am import footage into computer. 3:00am finally go to bed... can't sleep soo hot. 4:00am fall asleep. 8:00am... Darren enters room, nothing like that to turn a honest man into a killer. Tap tap tap go the keys... twitch twitch twich go the eyes.. 8:30 wake up and get out of bed... 9:00am film. 12:00pm done filming, wait for Darren to edit... he works all day.... 6:00pm dead line passes with still hours of work to do... 6:47pm film is finished completely! 6:57pm 135km/h over the Cambie bridge to down town. 7:06pm hand in finished tape 1 hour and 6 min late... 7:08pm find out our film is the first film in.... priceless. 8:00pm meet at beach and slowly loose all steam. 8:37pm climb a tree and try to find a way down.... jump and get sweet picture from Darren. 10:00pm get home burn DVD for Mike and John... 11:00pm they leave and I sleep 12 and a half hours..... ooo I love sleep