A little....Homesick
Its funny...no matter how old I get and even though I have been away from home for about 4 years now, I still get homesick sometimes. I love where I am at and wouldn't want to change a thing...but sometimes I yearn for home....the flat land, the wind, the sky.....and the dirt. There is something about Saskatchewan dirt. I tasted it once....but I won't get into that story.
I have had an amazing e-conversation with a dear friend of mine from home. I am so thankful I am loved and cared about and that I grew up with and graduated with some of my best friends to this day. We haven't been all together for quite some time though and I really miss them. On top of being a bit homesick...I feel very friend-sick too. I have made some amazing friendships here...but they will never be quite as special as the ones from 'home'. I remember my first move away from home to go to CLBI....4 of our little group went together. I was sooooo upset about leaving home. I remember the majority of the summer before was spent complaining and stressed out about my first move. I remember spending the first 2 weeks of CLBI with Megan crying and counting the days until Thanksgiving then Christmas. We sat on a little log fence on our canoe trip and watched a family with a four year old girl flying kite in tears wishing we could be 4 again and not have to worry about the stresses of growing up. Ha....its funny now....we're nerds. Now "Three-For-A-Dollar" are living in different provinces. Sigh..... In all truth I could never put a price tage on these 4 dear friendships....there is something remarkable about them. I know that no matter how far apart we live, no matter which direction life will lead us, these friends will always be there. These are unconditional friendships and I am in them for the fight. I love you guys...you know who you are. Thanks for making my life so sweet.