Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weirdness and Rain

Soooo...Holy moley--its been just about a month since we've blogged! Life, as usual is busy, but we wouldn't want it any other way! So are random weirdness-es/news of the last month:
*Ben rolled his floppy ankle again...but this time he was just WALKING...ya, thats it. (at just a pace of 0.4 km/hr)
*Ben is now in a Ball Hockey league...he managed to mash in the face of our cousin, David....causing stitches above his eye and a gash out of his nose. Ya....Ben is more competitive than we thought.....
*It rained 29 out of 31 days in January. Can you say "BLAH" Where is the sun?????? Is this the end times?
*Johanna ate veal for the first time (without gagging)
*Johanna got offered a head shot for shampoo advertising....but refused.
*Ben saw David Duchovney (former x-files star)
*we have a webcam!
*Ben have 7 different exams this week plus a short drama script pitch, and a DOP exam during the whole weekend
*we have free screenings to see Curious George tomorrow
*Whistler awaits us in the next 2 weeks..yay
*the smell of urine has graced the bus a couple times this last month
*Mom and Dad (Haab), spent 4 days with us before heading down to Mexico
*Pam and Aaron and Kevin and RJ are coming next weekend!
* We almost got a cat and quickly realized it was a bad idea
*Turtles can breathe from their anus! its true
* We found a gay club called "Uranus"...soooo wroooong
*Our neighbors saw us naked.....fully naked....
* Our curtains are now permanenty closed
So besides the randomness in our lives, things have been fun! Ben is at school anywhere from 5-7 days a week now and Johanna works 4 days and goes to school for 2 days (2 loooong days) So, we hope you all are doing great and hope to hear from you soon!