Crazy Hair Day
Hello All! Time has really been running away on us and we've had little or no time for an update. My sister has had a year-long countdown and I never thought the number would get down to the teens! As of Monday it is exactly two weeks until we land in Calgary. I can say we am very excited to see family and friends and certain food items we've missed! (AKA: steaks, meat in general, and chips other than 'Paprika' flavored...) You see there is plenty of meat over here, however, you really pay an arm and a leg for it. We received an extra-special treat when Uncle Dan & Auntie Rosmarie were visiting Switzerland earlier this month and took us out to a restaurant for steak dinner. Our mouths are still was amazing. A taste of things to come....;-)
On the other hand, leaving the country is whole other story....we're very sad to leave new friends, Mocha yogurt , pounds of the best chocolate and Johanna's favorite: Schoko Muesli. But most of all we'll just miss the country. Its beautiful and completely rich in culture and heritage. And all of our German skills may go out the window...
Recently Ben and I went to an Artists Party in Basel which had a "Crazy Hair" theme. For those of you on Facebook, you've likely seen some pictures, but many of you haven't so here goes...!
We have also had the opportunity to go rock climbing for Ben's Birthday. His boss gave him the day off and took us climbing with his family. It was crazy. We start at a point about 400-meters above a valley and then climbed 200-meters up to the summit. It was intense! Here are some pics from that day, Oct. 12th. They definitely don't do the cliff justice!
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